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Q: What is the difference between supply side and demand side?
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Supply is the amount produced and demand is the amount that is wanted.

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The supply side deals with relationship between the price and the quantity. The demand side deals with the volumes that buyers are willing to purchase at various prices

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The fiscal policy focuses on how government intervention will shift the demand depending on which issue is the most pressing. The supply policy is used when more employment is needed.

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What is the difference between a supply curve and a supply schedule?

The supply schedule just gives you the information of the Supply curve in a box, with the respective supply and its price producers want to sell their good. Remenber, This is for the supply only - dont mix them up with the supply and demand charts. The more the producer supplies the market ---> the more they want to sell their goods for. That is why it is sloped upwards. Anyways the Supply curve is just the chart or whole drawing of the supply side.

Demand side and supply side shocks?

Supply shocks are unexpected events that suddenly change commodity or service prices. A demand side shocks affect demand in one or more countries and may include an unexpected change in interest rates. Supply side shocks affect prices and costs in countries and can include a construction or capital investment boom.

What should the air temp difference be between the supply and return side of a 4 ton 16 seer unit?

20 degree difference

Should demand side policies always be used rather than supply side policies when a government intervenes in an economy?

If the problem in the economy is due to a lack of demand than demand-side policies would be required. If the economy is experiencing a recession, for example, then demand side policies might be appropriate. If the economy is at or near full employment then the focus might be more on increasing aggregate supply.

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What is the difference between the hot and cold side of a faucet?

The hot side of a faucet is connected to the hot water supply, which is heated, while the cold side is connected to the cold water supply. The hot side releases water at a higher temperature, while the cold side releases water at a lower temperature.

Is medical technology elastic or inelastic?

Both the supply side and the demand side of medical technology are elastic. As soon as a new technology is available, or if there is a price reduction, increased demand will lead to an increased supply. At base, most medical technologies are simple, and do not use exotic materials, - the availability of supplies is almost unlimited. And on the demand side, there is an almost unlimited demand for various technologies (consider cochlear implants), as soon as there is a technological or a price improvement, the demand will increase.

Explain how labor market equilibrium is affected by the supply and demand of labor in a Monopolistic Competition?

The labor market will reach equilibrium as the amount of workers willing to work for a certain price equals the amount of workers employers are willing to hire for that wage. On a supply and demand curve the employees represent the suppl side while the employers represent the demand side