6 and 3
Decimal has ten different digits - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Binary only has two different digits - 0 1
6 and 3
Decimal has ten different digits - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Binary only has two different digits - 0 1
The difference between two numbers is the second number subtracted from the first number.For example:The difference between 15 and 6 is 915-6=9
You cannot. 40 is 40 and 34 is 34: there is a difference of 6 between the two and you cannot get rid of that difference.You cannot. 40 is 40 and 34 is 34: there is a difference of 6 between the two and you cannot get rid of that difference.You cannot. 40 is 40 and 34 is 34: there is a difference of 6 between the two and you cannot get rid of that difference.You cannot. 40 is 40 and 34 is 34: there is a difference of 6 between the two and you cannot get rid of that difference.
The difference is 360.
This sum can be any of 14 (from the number 95 or 59), 12 (from the number 84 or 48), 10 (from the number 73 or 37), 8 (from the number 62 or 26), 6 (from the number 51 or 15), or 4 (from the number 40).
NO. It depends on which you are subtracting from which. For example, the difference between 8 and 6 is 2 (8 - 6 = 2) but the difference between 6 and 8 is -2 (6 - 8 = -2).