nothing! the only thing is that the ultra chi comes in various colors and the chi is in black. also, the regular chi is the first one to come out so its less advanced than the ultra and the ultra comes with tourmaline plates which is less damaging to your hair aswell.
t test is used when- a) variables are studied b)the size of sample is a small one.(n<30) chi square test is studied when a) attributes are studied
yes it is
They are applicable in different circumstances.
difference between as on and as at
the color and temperature.
What is the difference between a regular memory card and an Ultra Memory card
Singapore is a place, Ho Chi Minh was a man.
the basic difference between nokia ultra&flexibts is that ultra can support only12 trx but flexi bts can support 24 trx. i
The larger the difference, the larger the value of chi-square and the greater the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis
they are both aload of wank and a waste of time ! hope this helps :)
A person could buy a CHI Ultra Flat Iron directly from the Ultra website. One could also buy from Amazon, or buy a second hand flat iron from someone off of eBay.
correlation is used when there is metric data and chi square is used when there is categorized data. sayan chakrabortty
What classes are different between a vascular ultra sound tech and an x ray tech? What is the pay difference?
one changes colors and one doesn't
I want to know