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Vertical Cabling - Runs between floor to floor. It is used for Core to Distribution (or Access) switch connectivity. Usually consists of fiber cables

Horizontal Cabling - Runs on one floor. Runs from Distribution or Access switches to the end user. Usually copper.

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Q: What is the difference between vertical and horizontal cabling?
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Which cabling can support a maximum throughput of 100 megabits per second Mbps?

CAT5 or if nessecary CAT6 Twisted pair...

What is formulae for elevator's counter weight calculation?

The mass must be greater than the mass of the elevator including the maximum amount of cabling that it has, plus the carrying capacity plus a safety margin.

100 VA what is the equivalant in wattage?

That depends on the power factor.The best the power factor can get is ' 1 ', if the load is all resistive with no reactance.In that case, 100 VA = 100 watts.If there's effective capacitance or inductance in the load or the cabling, then the V and the Awon't be exactly in phase, the power factor will be less than 1, and the 100VA will produceless than 100 watts.The 'power factor' is the cosine of the angle between 'V' and 'A' on the line. So"wattage" is (100) x cosine(angle between V and A).

What were the materials used in the Q1?

6 piles, up to 2.4 metres in diameter, extend up to 50 metres into rock61,000 cubic metres of concrete was used to build Q19,300 tonnes of steel reinforcing250 tonnes of structural steel in the roof and spire18,926 panes of glass1000 kms of electrical cabling in the lifts of Q1 was used in the building enough to stretch from the Gold Coast to Sydney!Sand from the site was taken by the truckload to replenish Surfers Paradise beachQ1 sits on 1.2 hectares of landThe project cost approximately $255 million AUDThe spire is made of steel and glass, is 97.7 metres in height and begins at level 75Illuminated by arc lights, the spire is visible 200kms awayDuring the construction phase a new level went up every four day

How is maths used in making of buildings?

You need maths to:design the building so as to make enough space for all the different activities. Not much point in having a 10 bedroom house with only one toilet! All these activities have to fit into the space available, Furthermore, there are some requirements for "neighbouring" rooms - you do not want to walk from the kitchen to the dinig area through a bedroom.The design needs to take account of local climatic conditions eg pitched roof in rainy or snowy areas, positioning of windows to encourage or discourage draughts and for solar gain.The electricity, water and so on need to be aranged so that each area is adequately supplied without wastage cabling or pipes.Suitable materials have to be selected and in appropriate quantities.The building program needs to be planned so that the construction crew are not idle while supplies are awaited.Each bit of construction will require accurately measured drawings from which to work.These are just some of the activities requiring mathematics.

Related questions

What is the purpose of horizontal cabling in a structured cable system?

Horizontal cabling is the cabling that connects the work area telecommunications room to the horizontal cross connect.

What are your horizontal cabling options?

Category 5e or Category 6

What type of cabling would you suggest for the vertical cabling required to connect the new IDF to the existing MDF?

coaxial cable

What cable type is preferred for horizontal cabling?

Cat 6 UTP

A cable type preferred for horizontal cabling?

Cat 6 UTP

What cable type preferred for horizontal cabling?

Cat 6 UTP

Which type of cabling is used vertical cross connection?

Commonly a FIBER cable will be used to do a vertical cross-connect.

Which type of cabling is typically used for vertical cross connects?

fiber optic

What type of cabling could be used for the vertical or backbone cabling?

im going to assume your talking about computer networking which in this case would be RISER. In ceiling would be plenum

What is the maximum distance for a run of horizontal cabling that extends from a repeater to any workstation?

90 meters

Difference between Straight cable and Cross Cable?

what is different between cross cabling and straight cabling ANSWER: a crossover cable is used to connect like devices, like a router to a router, but a straight through cable is used to connect dissimilar devices, like a router to a computer.

What is the maxinum length of a horizontal cable run that still allows for length of the patch cables and extra cabling on each end?

None of the above