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The difference depends on what m and n equal. If they are both variable then it dpends on what the equations are for each variable.

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Q: What is the difference in finding the m and n when factoring a polynomial with a leading coefficient that does not equal one?
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What is the difference in evaluating a polynomial and solving a polynomial?

Evaluating a polynomial is finding the value of the polynomial for a given value of the variable, usually denoted by x. Solving a polynomial equation is finding the value of the variable, x, for which the polynomial equation is true.

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Yes, the greatest common factor is less than or equal to the smallest coefficient. For example, the greatest common factor of 38 and 8 is 2.

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square the first term, plus twice the product of the first and the secon, then square the second.

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Factoring (or factorization) means finding combinations of integers that multiply together to give the integer being factored. ( As defined by eHow) 5 x 3 = 15 5 and 3 are factors of the product. finding the factors= Factoring Eq: X2 + 4x + 4 = 0 F: (x+2)(x+2) Expanding is literally expanding. Eq: (x+2)(x+2)= x2+4x+4 -hopes this helps

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ambot cniu nmang kot gnie kmu. . . . . . . . .