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The difference is 28 + 11 = 39 degrees.

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Q: What is the difference in temperature between -11 degrees Celsius and 28 degrees Celsius?
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28-(-11)=39 degrees

What is the difference between body temperature and boiling water in degree Celsius?

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The difference in temperature between -9 degrees Celsius and 9 degrees Celsius is 18 degrees Celsius.

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The difference is 10 Celsius degrees.

Why does 30 degrees celsius seem hot when your own body temperature is 37 degrees?

Because 37 degrees Celsius is the internal temp. There is a difference between the internal body temperature and the body's surface temperature.

What is the difference between 28 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius explain?

The main difference between 28 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius is the temperature value itself. In terms of how it feels, 28 degrees Celsius is typically perceived as warmer than 25 degrees Celsius. This difference may be noticeable in terms of comfort and the need to adjust clothing or activities accordingly.