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Q: What is the difference of a graphic organizer and a venn diagram?
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What graphic Organizer?

what is venn diagram

Is a venn diagram a graphic organizer?

Yes. A Venn diagram is one of many types of graphic organizers.

What is the text feature of Venn diagram?

A venn diagram is a graphic organizer, it helps to organize thoughts and ideas.

A graphic organizer consisting of overlapping circles?

A Venn Diagram

Which graphic organizer helps you see what is fact and what is opinion?

A Venn diagram could help you to see what is fact and what is opinion.

What kind of a graphic organizer is most helpful in preparing to write a compare-and-contrast essay?

A Venn diagram

A graphic organizer used for comparison and contrast in post-reading and pre-writing processes is a?

Venn diagram

Is a venn diagram a graphic source?

No a venn diagram is not a graphic source.

What kind of a graphic organizer is most helpful in preparing to write a compare and contrast essay?

A Venn diagram //Apex :p

What graphic organizer would you use to compare and contrast between the two main characters?

A Venn diagram would be a useful graphic organizer to compare and contrast the two main characters. This diagram allows you to identify similarities in the overlapping sections and differences in the separate sections. It can help you visually see how the characters are both similar and different from each other.

Which type of graphic organizer makes it easy to compare and contrast?

A Venn diagram is a type of graphic organizer that makes it easy to compare and contrast. It consists of overlapping circles that show the similarities and differences between two or more items or ideas.

How do you do a graphic organizer?

To create a graphic organizer, first determine the topic or main idea you want to organize. Then, choose the type of graphic organizer that best fits your information, such as a mind map, Venn diagram, or flowchart. Finally, visually represent the relationship between ideas by using shapes, lines, and labels within the organizer.