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Q: What is the different between maximum and minimum pressure in the aorta?
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The minimum and maximum refers to the number of sunspots.

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It is not the maximum systolic pressure, but if close to that point.

What is the difference between minimum and maximum numbers?

the rang ( of the rang ) the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a data set.

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The minimum and maximum refers to the number of sunspots.

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Insolation refers to the amount of solar radiation received on a particular surface. Insolation temperature lag refers to the delay between the peak solar radiation and the peak temperature on a surface, as heat absorption and release processes take time to reach equilibrium. This lag can vary depending on factors like the material of the surface and its thermal properties.

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The difference is that the maximum is normally larger than the minimum.

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I'm sure that this question means altitude. Altitude is vertical distance between the maximum or minimum of the ocean wave (or any wave) and halfway between the minimum and maximum. Half the vertical distance between the minimum and maximum of the wave.

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The minimum varies from state to state. The maximum is "until death". (There is no maximum age listed, in any state.)

How can use a box-and-whisker plot to find the range of a data set?

The leftmost point is the minimum value.The rightmost point is the maximum value.The difference between them is the range.The leftmost point is the minimum value.The rightmost point is the maximum value.The difference between them is the range.The leftmost point is the minimum value.The rightmost point is the maximum value.The difference between them is the range.The leftmost point is the minimum value.The rightmost point is the maximum value.The difference between them is the range.

Find the range of the set of numbers?

Find the minimum and maximum values from the given data. Then range is the difference between maximum and minimum values.