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Well, for it to be a polygon it has to have: 1. Have straight sides ( circle is not a polYgon) 2. Have connect lines to form a figure 3. Must at least have 3 lines( triangles a polygon)

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Q: What is the different parts of a regular polygon?
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Different parts of polygon?

what are different parts of polygon

What is the difference between a regular polygon and non-regular polygon?

All the sides of a regular polygon have the same length. If two or more sides of a polygon have different lengths, then the polygon is not regular.

Different parts of a regular polygon?

A regular polygon has a center, much as a circle does. There are also the sides which are all the same lengths. Then there is the apothem which is any segment that goes from the center and is perpendicular to one of the polygon's side. Then angles are also parts and they are all the same. You might consider the perimeter a part and of course it is the sum of the sides.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and polygon -?

A regular polygon has equal sides and same sizes of interior angles whereas an irregular polygon has sides of different lengths and different sizes of interior angles

What is and ill regular polygon?

If you mean an irregular polygon, it is a polygon with sides of different length or angles of different measure (or both).

What is the difference between a regular polygon and a irregular polygon?

'Regular' means that all the sides on the polygon are the same length and all angles are the same size. On an irregular polygon, the sides can be different lengths and angles can be different sizes.

What two parts of a regular polygon are congruent?

polygons our stuff I do not know

What two parts of regular polygon are congruent?

polygons our stuff I do not know

Is a hexagon a regular polygon or not a regular polygon?

A 6 sided hexagon polygon can be regular or irregular.

Explain the difference between a regular polygon and a nonregular polygon?

A regular polygon has all its angles equal AND all its sides equal. A nonregular polygon has at least one angle or one side that is different from the others.

What is a polygon that has all congruent sides and all congruent angles?

a "regular" one

What is A polygon that is not regular?

its a not regular polygon