No. If the denominators are the same, you subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different you have to find the least common denominator.
The term subtract means to deduct, take away, delete, remove, detract, and reduce something. Usually subtract is used in mathematics homework, but people subtract in their every day lives.
Ruta is the Kikuyu word for the English word Subtract.
Tract, meaning to take away from.
another word is " subtract "
No. If the denominators are the same, you subtract the numerators. If the denominators are different you have to find the least common denominator.
The African Luhya translation of the English word 'subtract' is "Rusiamo".
No, it is a noun. A verb would be subtract as in "to subtract something". A verb is a word that describes an action, state or occurrence.
If you subtract five from ten you are left with five.You can subtract the sugar and add honey for this recipe if you prefer.
Subtract your lunch money from your total.You will need to subtract one number from the other.