Hence the reason for why it is called Vector Calculus, Vector Calc. is simply an expansion in the calculus subject are in math. It deals with Taylor's Formula (in calc 2 you learn the taylor polynomial and the taylor series), theorems from Green, Gauss, and Stokes, and much more.
Vector calculus is applied in electrical engineering especially with the use of electromagnetics. It is also applied in fluid dynamics, as well as statics.
Measures of motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration) and forces are all vectors so any study involving these would require vector calculus.
Mechanical engineering usually deals with forces and their effects on materials. Forces are vectors and so, to study their effects you need to use vector calculus.
One uses calculus including differential equations and vector calculus in the undergrad courses which is as far as got.
The velocity at each point in the fluid is a vector. If the fluid is compressible, the divergence of the velocity vector is nonzero in general. In a vortex the curl is nonzero.
in which field vector calculus is applied deeply
Richard H. Crowell has written: 'Calculus of vector functions' -- subject(s): Vector analysis 'Calculus with analytic geometry' -- subject(s): Analytic Geometry, Calculus
H. K. Nickerson has written: 'Advanced calculus, by H.K. Nickerson, D.C. Spencer and N.E. Steenrod' -- subject(s): Calculus, Vector analysis 'Advanced calculus' -- subject(s): Calculus, Vector analysis
Electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields and fluid flow. If you are an engineer you will come across vector calculus to handle three dimensional space.
The theory of radio waves and waveguides is explained in terms of equations in the form of vector calculus. Examples are Maxwell's equations.
Vector calculus is applied in electrical engineering especially with the use of electromagnetics. It is also applied in fluid dynamics, as well as statics.
Measures of motion (displacement, velocity, acceleration) and forces are all vectors so any study involving these would require vector calculus.
Mechanical engineering usually deals with forces and their effects on materials. Forces are vectors and so, to study their effects you need to use vector calculus.
It is used to position an object in3D
Thomas H. Barr has written: 'Vector calculus' -- subject(s): Vector analysis 'Naval Warfare Analysis Experiment' -- subject(s): Management 'Multivariable calculus'
Robert A. Adams has written: 'Calculus' 'Calculus - a Complete Course' 'Calculus of several variables' -- subject(s): Calculus, Functions of several real variables, Vector analysis 'Single Variable Calculus Edition' 'Calculus of Several Variables' 'Calculus Complete Course'
calculus and vector algebra