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Math algorithms are complex and can easily be broken
There are 2 types of cryptography such as: 1- Symmetric-key or Secret key Cryptography 2- Asymmetric-key or Public key Cryptography
Symmetric-key algorithms are a class of algorithms for cryptography that use trivially related, often identical, cryptographic keys for both decryption and encryption.
Cryptography is basically the process of hiding information in order to protect the sensitive information, data or message from unknown attacks for any reasons. Cryptography actually consists of two terms encryption and decryption. The process in which message is ciphered or encrypted is known as encryption and the process in which message is deciphered at recipients end is known as decryption. And this whole process is known as cryptography. Public keys and private keys are used in the process of cryptography. Cryptography can be seen as symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric cryptography same key is used for both encryption and decryption while in asymmetric different keys are used for both encryption and decryption. Today Cryptography is used in various fields like ATM, e-banking, IT security, Maths etc.
Math algorithms are complex and can easily be broken
Symmetric cryptography only requires one key for both encryption and decryption and therefore in some cases are a issue.
In symmetric key encryption there is one key that is shared with the person you want to share with your data. The largest disadvantage is that you have to make sure that the key remain secret.
There are 2 types of cryptography such as: 1- Symmetric-key or Secret key Cryptography 2- Asymmetric-key or Public key Cryptography
There are 2 types of cryptography such as: 1- Symmetric-key or Secret key Cryptography 2- Asymmetric-key or Public key Cryptography
Lmfao - do Richard kays coursework by yourself instead of asking others to answer it for you.
following steps are involved in symmetric cryptography 1- sender creates a ciphertext message by encrypting the plain text message with a symmetric encryption algorithm and a shared key. 2- the sender sends the ciphertext message to the recipient. 3- the recipient decrypts the ciphertext message into plain text with a shared key.
Symmetric cryptography is impractival when a large group is involved.
Symmetric-key algorithms are a class of algorithms for cryptography that use trivially related, often identical, cryptographic keys for both decryption and encryption.