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Q: What is the discrepancy or is What was the discrepancy?
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How would you use discrepancy in a sentence?

The couple had a discrepancy with their repair bill.

Can you put the word discrepancy in a sentence?

The discrepancy between you and me is our sex. In other words discrepancy means difference.

Is discrepancy a plural?

No, discrepancy is singular. The plural form is discrepancies.

When a discrepancy is entered in error who can change or erase the discrepancy?


What is a good sentence with the word discrepancy in it?

"There is a Discrepancy between these two objects."

How do you use discrepancy in a sentence?

there is an discrepancy in people all over the world.

Why was there a discrepancy in the frank family?

This question is too vague to answer as asked. What discrepancy do you mean?

How many syllables are in discrepancy?

There are four syllables in the word discrepancy. Dis-crep-an-cy.

A sentence using the word discrepancy?

Hi, The word discrepancy is just like an disagreement

A discrepancy between reality and expectation is referred to as?

Irony- the discrepancy between reality and expectation.

How do you find absolute discrepancy...this is different from percent discrepancy?

Absolute discrepancy is the absolute difference between an observed value and a theoretical or expected value. To find absolute discrepancy, you simply subtract the observed value from the theoretical value and take the absolute value of the result. This measurement is different from percent discrepancy, which calculates the difference as a percentage of the theoretical value.

What is stock discrepancy?

The mismatch between bin card and stock ledger is called as "stock discrepancy".