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The diameter.

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Q: What is the distance across a circle through the middle?
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What is the distanceacross the middle of a circle of a sphere?

the distance across the middle is the radius and whole distance across it is the diameter

What is distance across the middle of a circle or sphere?

It is the diameter of the circle or the sphere

What is the distance across the middle of a circle call?

It's the diameter.

How does the diameter of a circle compare to the radius?

You are a moron but I'll answer, the diameter is the enitire distance across the circle across the middle point and the radius is the distance from the middle point ot the edge and therefore always half in a perfect circle

What is the distance across the middle of a circle of sphere?

the anwser is diameter

The distance directly through the middle of the circle?


How do you find the curcumfrence of a 14 cm circle?

Circumference is (pi x diameter of circle). (Diameter is the distance across the circle, going through the very centre. It is also twice the radius, which is the distance from the middle of the circle to the outer edge). In the question you don't indicate what the 14cm is (i.e. diameter/radius ?), so I can't work it out for you.

Is the radius of a circle half of a diameter?

no.the radius of a circle is the distance from the middle of the circle to the edges. no.the radius of a circle is the distance from the middle of the circle to the edges.

What is circular diameter?

Circular diameter is the distance from side to side of a circle through the middle.

Is equatorial circumference the same as radius?

No. The circumference is the distance around a circle or equaltor wheras the radius is the distance from the centre of a sphere (the centre of the earch if you will) to the surface. the diameter is twice the distance of the radius and is the distance from the surface of a sphere, through the middle point across to the other surface.

What is the measurement of diameter of a circle?

The diameter is the distance from one side of the circle, through the middle, and to the other side. It is a straight line. It is equal to The circumference (the distance around the circle) divided by pi (about 3.1415926536)

What is the radius of a circle that has a diameter of 16 Cm?

The diameter is the whole width of the circle across the middle. The radius is the distance from the middle to the edge, so is half the diameter. Therefore the radius would be 8 cm