We generally use the term perimeter to describe the distance around a geometric figure.
perimeter or circumference The only answer is perimeter. The circumference is the the perimeter of a circle; the distance around a circle.
the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, esp. a circle. the distance around a circle
"perimeter" is NOT a multiple of the meter. A perimeter is the distance around a geometric figure, especially polygons.
YES!!! It is the shortest distance between two points.
Case No. 1 :-General geometrical closed figureAns. :- PERIMETERCase No. 2 :-Circular geometrical closed figureAns. :- CIRCUMFERENCE
It is the perimeter.
perimeter or circumference The only answer is perimeter. The circumference is the the perimeter of a circle; the distance around a circle.
the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, esp. a circle. the distance around a circle
"perimeter" is NOT a multiple of the meter. A perimeter is the distance around a geometric figure, especially polygons.
The distance around a circle is its circumference.
The perimeter
YES!!! It is the shortest distance between two points.