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Circumference of the pool = 2*pi*72 = 452.369 feet to 3 dp

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Q: What is the distance around a pool with a 72 foot radius?
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A circular pool with a 72 foot radius what is the distance around the edge of the pool?

452.38 feet = circumference1.) Formula for circumference (perimeter) of a circle = 2 x pi x radius OR pi x diameter(because 2 x radius = diameter)2.) Pi = 3.14153.) 2 x 3.1415 x 72 feet = 452.38 feet

A formal garden at the Biltmore Estates has a large circular fish pool with a 72 foot radius. what is the distance of the out side edge of the pool?

Circumference = 2*pi*72 = 452.3893421 feet

What is the distance around the outside of the pool with a 72 ft radius?

2*72 feet * 3.141592=452.4 feet

What is the radius of a 24 foot diameter pool?

The radius of any circle is one-half the diameter.

What is the distance of around a pool with the radius of 72 feet?

It is: 2*pi*72 = 452.389 feet to three decimal places

How much water will a 20 foot round by 4 foot deep swimming pool hold?

A 20 foot round pool has a radius of 3.2 feet. So the pool has a volume of pi*r2*h = 101.86 cubic ft approx.

What is the Gallons in 4 foot by 21 foot round swimming pool?

21 foot what? Radius, diameter or circimference? Presumably 4 feet deep?

What is the distance around a 16-foot round pool?

Circumference = Pi x d: 3.14 x 16 = 50.24 feet

How much water is in a round pool that is 4 feet deep and 18 feet around?

That question -- or ones nearly identical -- have been asked and answered here. Use the search tool at the upper right. Search on the following keywords: round pool 18 foot diameter Depth of the pool = 4 feet.Circumference of the pool = 18 feet. From the circumference we can find the radius of the pool.2(pi)(radius) = 18(pi) radius = 9Radius of the pool is (9/pi) feet.Volume of the pool = (pi)(radius)2(height) = (pi)(9/pi)24Volume of the pool = 324/pi cubic feet. Source:

How many gallons of water is in a 21 foot pool?

This question cannot be answered without more information. Does 21 foot refer to the length of a side of a square or rectangular pool, the radius or circumference of a circular pool? Is the pool of some other shape? What is its depth?