Distance from (3, 8) to (-9, -8) using the distance formula is 20 units
But a hexagon has only 6 points while an octagon has 8 points.
14 out of 20 is the same proportion as 7 out of 10, so 70%.
Then one point is 20 units away from the other.
Distance from (3, 8) to (-9, -8) using the distance formula is 20 units
But a hexagon has only 6 points while an octagon has 8 points.
The sq.root of 122+162=20
The distance is about 42.06.X distance 20, Y distance 37202 + 372 = L2L = sqrt (400 +1369)L = 42.0595
The distance is about 42.06.X distance 20, Y distance 37202 + 372 = L2L = sqrt (400 +1369)L = 42.0595
the answer is 20 since you have to find the distance between 18 and 22
14 out of 20 is the same proportion as 7 out of 10, so 70%.
14 points.
20 20