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Distance = (speed) x (time) = (3 m/s) x (120 sec) = 360 meters.

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Q: What is the distance covered when a toy car moves in a straight line with the speed of 3.0 meters per second in 2 minutes?
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To find the distance covered, we first convert 12.0 minutes to seconds: 12 minutes = 12 * 60 seconds = 720 seconds. Then, calculate the distance covered using the formula: distance = speed * time. By plugging in the speed of 15.0 m/s and the time of 720 seconds, the distance covered by the car is 15.0 m/s * 720 s = 10,800 meters.

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The distance covered by an object over a period of time?

The distance covered by an object over a period of time is calculated by multiplying the speed of the object by the time it traveled. This can be represented by the formula: distance = speed x time. The unit of distance is typically measured in meters, kilometers, miles, or other length units, while the unit of time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

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The total distance covered by the man is 1 meter (walking at 1 m/s for 1 minute) + 3 meters (running at 3 m/s for 1 minute) = 4 meters. The total time is 2 minutes. Therefore, the average speed is total distance / total time = 4 meters / 2 minutes = 2 m/s.

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The distance between the above places is 915 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.

What is your speed in meters per second if you travel 203 kilometers in four hours and 48 minutes?

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What is the distance covered by an object in last one second of its motion?

The distance covered by an object in the last second of its motion is equal to the object's velocity in meters per second. This means that if the object is moving at a constant velocity, the distance covered in the last second will be the same as the velocity.