The distance to the horizon, d kilometres, is related to the height above mean sea level, h metres, by the approximate formula: d = 3.57*sqrt(h).
Horizontal means going left and right. This is the opposite of vertical, which means going up and down. Example: This sentence is written horizontally. It might help to know that the horizon is the farthest limit of the earth that can be seen from a given point. When you are at a beach looking out over the ocean or another body of water where you cannot see land in the distance, the line where the sky meets the water is called the horizon.
No, vertical is up and down and horizontal is across. Think about how a HORIZON goes ACROSS the HORIZONtal is across.
Go do your homework.
2 miles.Answer:The distance to the horizon on the ocean is a function of the height of the observation point. In general (and with thanks to Pythagoras) it is:d=(h(D+h))0.5 whered = distance to the horizonD = diameter of the Earthh = height of the observer above sea level
Under ideal conditions, standing at sea level, with your eyes about 5.5 ft above the water, you can see an object on the water at about 3 miles. This is due to the curvature of the earth. If you were about 100 ft above the water, it jumps to 12 miles. The formula is Square Root(height above surface / 0.5736) = distance to horizon.
All depends on the height of the wheelhouse above the water level. If one meter, then 2.1 miles. if 9.8 feet then 3.7 miles. If 32 feet them 6.8 miles
Near the equator, the sun's angle of elevation (height above the horizon) is higher, making the sunlight more powerful.
I Want to now what the level of the ocean's surface is
Atlantic ocean
The sun and ocean met on the horizon.
The distance between the ocean and land can vary greatly depending on the specific location. In general, the ocean can start right at the edge of the land, but it can also be several miles away in certain coastal areas with wide beaches or marshlands.
Atlantic ocean
The distance between the top and bottom of a wave in the ocean is called the wave height. Wave height can vary depending on the strength of the wave and environmental factors, but it is typically measured from the trough (bottom) to the crest (top) of the wave.
Distance between these two is 12274 kms. One way is covered from above the pacific ocean. Other way is covered over the Indian Ocean.
The satellite measures the height above the ocean surface by sending out a pulse and timing its return to the satellite. The difference between the two is the height of the ocean surface at a given location.