Numbers that are can be divided into (divisor) 35 evenly are seven and five.
If it were more then the dividend would have to be increased.
Zero is never a divisor. If you ever see a fraction or a problem where zero is adivisor, you can stop right there and toss the whole thing. In the language ofmath, "Division by zero is not permitted".
A divisor in math is the number you are dividing with in an equation.EX: 20/4=5The dividend is 20The divisor is 4The quotient is 520 divided by 4 equals 5.Hope this helped!- AestrellaT
35 kilometers is 21.75 miles.
35 * 35 = 1,225
If it were more then the dividend would have to be increased.
Since 20 is a factor of 900, it is automatically the GCF.
Zero is never a divisor. If you ever see a fraction or a problem where zero is adivisor, you can stop right there and toss the whole thing. In the language ofmath, "Division by zero is not permitted".
A divisor in math is the number you are dividing with in an equation.EX: 20/4=5The dividend is 20The divisor is 4The quotient is 520 divided by 4 equals 5.Hope this helped!- AestrellaT
Its 35! I hope that helped!!
35 of 35 is 100%
35 kilometers is 21.75 miles.