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Q: What is the document which certifies your identity?
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Can you use colour photocopies of legal documents when submitting certified copies?

Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.Generally, no. A certified document has a stamp on it that certifies it as a true and full copy of the instrument.

What is the letter that certifies a document is true and correct?

Such a document is called the provenance.

What document certifies a person is not married?

There is not one.

What is the difference between a Visa and a Passport?

AnswerA passport is an official government document that certifies one's identity and citizenship. The passport serves two purposes: to regain entry to the country of citizenship and is a requirement by many countries to gain entry to the country you are visiting.A visa is an official government document that temporarily authorizes you to be in the country you are visiting. Many countries require a visa to gain entry. The visa usually is in the form of a stamp IN the passport and is obtained from the country you are visiting.AnswerVisa is an official permission which temporarily authorizes us to stay in a foreign country and the passport is a document that certifies our identity during our travels. See the Related Link below for more information.

How can you identify document purpose?

An identity document is any document which may be used to verify aspects of a person's personal identity.

When verifying identity which is not an acceptable document?

A library card is not acceptable for verifying identity.

When verifying identity is not an acceptable document?

A library card is not acceptable for verifying identity.

What is home affairs document?

A Home Affairs identity document is a smart ID card.

Which is correct This certifies that John and Mary Smith have completed prepared childbirth education classes on mar 2 2010 or This certifies that John and Mary Smith has completed prepared.?

The correct statement re completed childbirth education would be: This letter (or document) certifies that John and Mary Smith as of March 2, 2010 have completed their prepared childbirth education classes.

What is an acceptable document for verifying identity?

Library Card

What is a seaman Identity Document?

Military Id card.

What is not an acceptable document when verifying identity?

Libarary Card