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Q: What is the easiest formula for finding the mean?
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formula for finding mean through direct mean method: sigma fi xi /sigma fi

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It is the formula used in finding the area of a circle which is pi times radius squared

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it means when you go to a data and finding the total of the coast

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Formula for finding the surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 in square units. Formula for finding the volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 in cubic units. Or did you mean the formula for finding the area of a square? in which case it is Length*Height in square units.

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The formula for finding probability depends on the distribution function.

Is the formula for finding the area of an oval the same as the formula for finding the area of a circle?

No because the formula for finding the area of an oval, which is an ellipse, is quite different

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Add together all 4 sides if you mean a parallelogram

What is the formula of finding the mean of grouped data using coded formula?

The formula for finding the mean of grouped data using the coded formula is: Mean = Σ(f * x) / N, where Σ represents the sum, f is the frequency of each class interval, x is the midpoint of each class interval, and N is the total number of observations.

What is the formula to get the degree of an angle?

Using a protractor is the easiest formula

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The formula for finding joules is: Joules = Force x Distance. This formula is used to calculate the amount of energy transferred when a force is applied over a distance.

What is the formula for finding digital ammeter?

There is no formula for finding anything - except perhaps the inevitable "where was it when you last saw it?"