

What is the economical factor?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What is the economical factor?
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Shoprite's external macro environment includes factors such as economic conditions, industry regulations, technological advancements, socio-cultural trends, and environmental concerns. These external factors can significantly impact Shoprite's operations, strategy, and overall performance in the retail industry.

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Nicholas Kaldor maintains that the key factor in economical development is technology.

What is the comparative and superlative form of the word economical?

"economical" has no comparative or superlative form. You would say "more economical" or "most economical."

Is it correct to say- they have an economical condition?

They have a fair economical condition, or they have a hard economical condition. It's missing an adjective for the noun 'economical.' When "economical" is used as a preposition it is correct to say : They have an economical condition, with the meaning of profitable.

Are hybrid cars more economical than conventional cars?

Maybe, but if you factor in manufacturing and recycling costs of batteries and the hybrid drive system it can be more expensive.

Why do you study business environment?

The Business Environment is affected by various factors like: Economical factor,Demographic Factor, Ecological factor, Geographical factor etc etc.we have to study a business so that we all know the weakness and strength of it, and to know what is the advantage and disadvantage of it.To become a good businessman it is very important to know about business environment. BY HADIUZZAMAN

Why unity power factor is not economical?

If you have a poor power factor (say .8), and your local utility requires you to have .95pf or better, or be charged extra due to the poor power factor, there is no economic reason to buy more equipment to bump your power factor up to 1.0 as opposed to .95. Once you're above .95, you're just fining yourself.

What is the noun of economical?

The nouns related to the adjective 'economical' are economics and economy.

Who was the author of 'An Economical Project'?

Benjamin Franklin was the author of 'An Economical Project.'

What is a sentence using the word economical?

I wish you weren't so economical with the truth.