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The total surface area increases.

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Q: What is the effect of dividing a big particle into smaller ones on the total exposed surface area?
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How does dividing a solid into smaller pieces affect surface area?

It increases it.

What is size of solute?

It is the amount of surface of a solute that is exposed to the solvent. The smaller the pieces of the solute are, the larger the surface area that is exposed to the solvent.

What happens to the amount of surface area of a particle compared to its mass as its size gets smaller?

As a particle's size gets smaller, its surface area-to-mass ratio increases. This is because as the particle shrinks, its volume (and therefore mass) decreases faster than its surface area. This increased surface area-to-mass ratio can influence the particle's reactivity, solubility, and other properties.

Suppose you were dissolving a metal such as zinc with hcl. How would the particle size of the zinc affect the rate of its dissolution?

Smaller particle size of zinc would increase the rate of dissolution due to increased surface area available for reaction. More surface area means more zinc atoms are exposed to the acidic solution, leading to faster dissolution compared to larger particles with less surface area.

How the size of particles affect the way the particles dissolve?

Smaller particles have a larger surface area compared to larger particles, allowing them to dissolve more quickly because more solvent can come in contact with them. This increased surface area also means that smaller particles have more opportunities for interactions with the solvent, leading to more effective dissolution compared to larger particles. Therefore, smaller particles generally dissolve faster than larger particles.

Can you change the rate of a chemical reaction by changing the particle size?

In hetrogeneous reactions (where the reactants are in different states) the size of the particles of a solid may change reaction rate, since the surface is where the reaction takes place, and the surface area is increased when the particles are more finely divided. In general, the smaller the particles the faster the reaction

Which would evaporate quicker Water on a flat tray or water in an open bottle. with particle theory?

Water on a flat tray would evaporate quicker because there is a larger surface area exposed to the air, allowing more water molecules to escape into the air. In the open bottle, the surface area of water exposed to the air is smaller, so the rate of evaporation would be slower.

Why does reducing solute size particle size increase the speed at which the solute dissolves in water?

Reducing the solute particle size increases the surface area available for interaction with the solvent (water), leading to more efficient and faster dissolution. This is because smaller particles have a greater surface area-to-volume ratio, allowing for more solvent-solute interactions to occur simultaneously, which speeds up the dissolution process.

How does the area of exposed surface affect evaporation?

The larger the exposed surface area, the faster the rate of evaporation, as there is more surface area for the liquid molecules to escape into the air. This is because more molecules are exposed to the air, increasing the likelihood of evaporation occurring. Conversely, a smaller exposed surface area will result in slower evaporation.

What it is weathering?

Weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals are broken down into smaller pieces through exposure to the elements, such as water, wind, and temperature changes. It can be categorized as either mechanical (physical) weathering, which breaks down rocks without changing their composition, or chemical weathering, which involves chemical reactions that alter the rocks' composition. Over time, weathering plays a key role in shaping the Earth's surface.

How does a particle in a surface wave move?

A particle in a surface wave moves in a circular motion, with the motion becoming smaller as you go deeper into the water. This circular motion is created by the combination of the gravitational pull and surface tension acting on the wave.

What happens to surface area when rocks are broken into smaller pieces?

When rocks are broken into smaller pieces, the surface area increases because there are now more exposed surfaces on the smaller pieces. This increased surface area can lead to faster weathering and erosion of the rocks by allowing more contact with environmental forces such as water, wind, and temperature fluctuations.