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They cause tsunamis

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Q: What is the effect of the earthquake?
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What Sims 3 game has the earthquake effect?

No Sims game has the earthquake effect

The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the earth's surface?

directly above the focus (hypocenter) where the earthquake originates. It is the location where the seismic waves first reach the surface and is usually the point of highest intensity and damage.

What are the effect of an earthquake on land and on sea?

the effects of the earthquake is watching pornography

What effect of of earthquake?

The ground shakes, and the earth is displaced along a section of the earthquake fault.

Who did the Haitian earthquake effect?

the kids and mothers.

What will effect us when the volcano is happening?

An Earthquake.

What was the effect of the Samoan earthquake?

It created the tsunami.

What effect did the Christchurch earthquake have on humans?


What is the effect of plates pushed together?

an earthquake

Will an earthquake get bigger if it is deeper?

No. Size does not necessarily affect the magnitude of an earthquake. In fact, a deep earthquake will have less of an effect on the surface than a shallow earthquake of the same magnitude.

What effect did the Christchurch earthquake have on the cathedral?

The Christchurch earthquake severely damaged the Christchurch Cathedral in 2011, leading to its partial collapse. The structure has since been deemed unsafe and awaits a decision on its future, with ongoing discussions surrounding its restoration or potential demolition.

Why was there no effect from the Haiti Earthquake felt in Havana?

because the earthquake wasn't strong enough for Havana to feel it