

What is the eleventh dimension?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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14y ago

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The best explanation is done by this video Watch it all the way through, and your welcome!

I watched the video.

There is no 11th dimension, but the tenth dimension is all possible universes inside a geometrical point. There cannot be anything more than that.

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The first dimension is primary (length). The second dimension is secondary (width). The third dimmension is tertiary (height). Those are the 3 basic spatial dimensions. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is the rotation of primary. The sixth dimension is the rotation of secondary (and primary). The seventh dimension is the rotation of tertiary (secondary and primary). The eighth dimension is the pulse of time. The ninth dimension is the energy radiation of primary. The tenth dimension is the energy radiation of secondary. The eleventh dimension is the energy radiation of tertiary. In total there are 10 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, in other words, 11 spacetime dimensions.

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