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Q: What is the equation for combution for bioethanol?
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What is a bioethanol?

A bioethanol is a variety of ethanol produced, by fermentation of crops, for use as a biofuel.

What is the best use of Bioethanol?

Bioethanol has many uses. It is mixed with petrol to create a sustainable fuel for cars. Bioethanol by products can be used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, animal feed and paper products.

Is bioethanol a biofuel?


Is mansanitas fruit juice or extract used in making bioethanol?

Yes, the juice or extract of mansanitas fruit can be used as a feedstock for bioethanol production due to its high sugar content. The sugars can be fermented into ethanol by yeast, a process commonly used in bioethanol production.

What is combution?

the process of burning of substences in air or oxygen with the evoluton of heat and light is known as combution. i dont know you tell me

What are the drawbacks of bioethanol?

• Bioethanol can be corrosive to metals such as aluminum. • Bioethanol may require the use of too much arable land (to grow the required crops) and too much energy input during production to justify it. As such, costs-financially, environmentally-are currently prohibitive

What is the difference between ethanol and bioethanol?

Ethanol is a type of alcohol that can be produced from various feedstocks, such as corn or sugarcane. Bioethanol specifically refers to ethanol produced from renewable biomass sources, such as crops, agricultural waste, or algae. Bioethanol is considered more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to ethanol derived from fossil fuels.

What is the diff betn internal combution engine n external combution engine piston?

there is no such thing as an external combustion engine.. the closest thing to it was the steam engine...

What is bioethanol?

Fuel made by fermenting potatoes or corn

What is the specific energy joules per gram of bioethanol?

The specific energy of bioethanol is approximately 26.8 megajoules per kilogram, which is equivalent to 0.0268 joules per gram.

What biological processes are involved in changing starch to bioethanol?


Describe the ignition processes which initiates the combustion reaction?

oxygen initate the combution