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It's radius x radius x pi.

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Q: What is the equation for finding area in a circle?
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Which equation is the correct one for finding the area of a circle?


Finding area of circle?

Area of a circle = pi*radius2

What are everyday uses for pi?

Some of many examples are:- Finding the circumference of a circle Finding the area of a circle Finding the surface area of a sphere Finding the volume of a sphere Finding the surface area of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cone Finding the surface area of a cone

What is formula ofr finding area of a circle?

Area of a circle = pi*radius squared

What is the formula for finding circumference and area of a circle?

Circumference of a circle is (pi * diameter). Area of a circle is (pi * r2).

Why do you use the radius in the formula of finding the area of a circle?

Area of circle = pi*(radius)2

What is pi used for in geometry?

Some of the many applications that pi is used in geometry are as follows:- Finding the area of a circle Finding the circumference of a circle Finding the volume of a sphere Finding the surface area of a sphere Finding the surface area and volume of a cylinder Finding the volume of a cone

What is an example of finding the area of a circle?


Equation to find the area of a circle?

Area of a circle = (pi) (R2)R = radius of the circle = 1/2 of its diameter

Why is pi important in layman term?

The circumference of a circle divided by its diameter is the value of pi and pi has a wide range of uses some of which are:- Finding the volume of a sphere Finding the surface area of a sphere Finding the volume of a cone Finding the volume of a cylinder Finding the area of a circle Finding the circumference of a circle

What is the equation to find the Area of a circle?


What is the formula for finding the area for a circle?

go to the related link below Titled (Calculate the Area of a Circle).