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Q: What is the equation of y equals x3 with the given transformations vertical compression by a factor of 1over7 horizontal shift 8 units to the left reflection across the x-axis?
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How do you find transformations in an equation?

To find transformations in an equation, you can look for changes in the coefficients and constants that affect the position, size, or shape of the graph. For example, a coefficient before the x term will affect the stretch or compression of the graph, while a constant added or subtracted will affect the vertical shift. Additionally, changes inside functions (such as squaring or square rooting) can also indicate transformations.

What is the equation of x squared plus y squared equals 16 with a horizontal compression of a half?

In order to take your circle and squash it horizontally to 1/2 of its original width (2),change the equation to4x2 + y2 = 16

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A horizontal line has a slope of zero. The equation of a horizontal line is y = a.

What is equation of the horizontal line?

The equation of any horizontal line isY = a number .

What type of equation has a graph that is horizontal?

It is likely that a horizontal line on a graph will have the equation y=c, where c is a variable.

When is a linear equation an identity?

When the equation represents a horizontal line.

What is an example of the equation of a horizontal line?

A horizontal line would be of the form y= (a number). There should be no 'x's involved in the equation.

What is the form of an equation for a horizontal line?

For a horizontal line, it is y= a value

When you shift the graph of an equation up or down does every instance of x in the equation change?

Yes, for example if you have y=x but you shifted the equation up 3 units hence: y=x+3. than you will receive a different y from every instance (point) of x. Reference:

How do you write equations for ertical and horizontal lines?

A vertical line has the equation [ x = a number ]. A horizontal line has the equation [ y = a number ].

What is a equation of a line?

The equation of any horizontal line isY = a number

How can you tell that an equation has the same solution as the original equation?

If the two equations are linear transformations of one another they have the same solution.