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Velocity (V) = Displacement (S) / Time (T)

Don't confuse displacement with distance, as displacement is how far away you are from your original starting position whilst distance is the total amount of travel.

For example:

You walk 20 meters from your starting position, and then walk 10 meters back. Your displacement is thus 10 meters and your distance is 30 meters.

Also, don't forget that you must include the direction in your final answer for velocity. You find the direction either by being given the possibilities in the question or just using something to represent it. North [N] and East [E] represents positive, South [S] and West [W] representing negatives.

Using the previous example:

V = 20 m [N or E] / 10 s


V = 2 m/s [N or E]

Tailor your directions to your question, such that if you got a question about a Basketball game you could simply use [Upcourt] to represent positivity and [Downcourt] to represent negativity in your numbers.S

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Q: What is the equation to get velocity?
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What equation is used to determine the velocity of a wave?

The equation used to determine the velocity of a wave is: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This equation shows that the velocity of a wave is dependent on the frequency of the wave and its wavelength.

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The equation that shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency is: wavelength = velocity / frequency. This equation is derived from the wave equation, which states that the speed of a wave is equal to its frequency multiplied by its wavelength.

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The equation that relates the distance traveled by a constantly accelerating object to its initial velocity, final velocity, and time is the equation of motion: [ \text{distance} = \frac{1}{2} \times (\text{initial velocity} + \text{final velocity}) \times \text{time} ] This equation assumes constant acceleration.

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The equation that shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency is: Wavelength (λ) = Velocity (v) / Frequency (f). This equation follows from the basic relationship between velocity, wavelength, and frequency for a wave traveling in a medium.

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The equation for calculating velocity when acceleration and time are known is v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

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The equation that relates wave velocity (v), frequency (f), and wavelength (λ) is v = f * λ. This equation shows that the velocity of a wave is equal to the product of its frequency and wavelength.