5.3 is already expressed as a decimal fraction. Expressed as an improper fraction, in its simplest form, it is equal to 53/10 or fifty-three tenths.
You write seven hundred fifty thousand ten as a decimal this way: 750,010
The decimal .057 is fifty seven thousandths.
it is 0.14
5.3 is already expressed as a decimal fraction. Expressed as an improper fraction, in its simplest form, it is equal to 53/10 or fifty-three tenths.
You write seven hundred fifty thousand ten as a decimal this way: 750,010
fifty = 50 thousand = 1,000 fifty thousand = 50 * 1,000 = 50,000
As a fraction 250/1000, (as a decimal 0.250).
Fifty six and six thousand is 6056.
The decimal .057 is fifty seven thousandths.
How to right forty-eight ten thousand in decimal number