In today's terms the given Roman numerals are equivalent to 149 in Hindu-Arabic numerals.
CXLIX in roman numerals is 149.
They're supposed to represent 149 in Roman numerals.
CXLIX C = 100 XL = 40 IX = 9
CXLIX in roman numerals is 149.
They're supposed to represent 149 in Roman numerals.
CXLIX C = 100 XL = 40 IX = 9
In todays terms: CXLIX but the Romans themselves probably simply wrote it out as ICL (150-1)
The Roman numerals of CCXXXVII are the equivalent of 237 in Hindu-Arabic numerals
In Roman numerals CLXXV is equivalent to 175
A does not have an equivalent in Roman numerals.
It is already in numerals but if you mean in Roman numerals then its equivalent is MDCCII
The Roman numerals MMM is equivalent to 3000 in Arabic numerals.
The Roman numerals of CCLIII are equivalent to 253