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In today's notation of Roman numerals they represent 809

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Q: What is the equivalent of DCCCIX in Hindu Arabic numeral?
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The given numerals are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals and so therefore no equivalent Hindu-Arabic numeral is possible.

What is MCMLXV in Hindu Arabic Numerals?

Under today's rules now governing the Roman numeral system the Roman numeral of MCMLXV is equivalent to 1965 as an Hindu-Arabic numeral

What is mdxcv in roman numeral to Hindu Arabic.?

The Hindu-Arabic representation of the Roman numeral "mdxcv" is 1595.

What does roman numeral cdlvii mean?

Its equivalent Hindu-Arabic numeral is: 457 = CDLVII

Which numeral system is in common use today?

It is the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.

What is the Hindu Arabic numerals for lxxl?

It is an invalid Roman numeral therefore there is no equivalent Hindu-Arabic numeral but if you meant XX then it is 20 * * * * * Or, if you meant LXXI, then 71