I've never heard of Nokia Net Monitor, but e15 means 10^15, which is 1,000,000,000,000,000, or 1 quadrillion.
25-80 usd
a volcano
Stratford - on - Avon or Stratford London E15
Eyjafjallajökull. It is also known as E15.
50-125 or so
Fox Business - 2007 Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car was released on: USA: 30 November 2012
About 212 miles along the A7/E15
Inexpensive, either German or Italian made
20-50 or so
Deep Space Homer (S5|E15)
776 miles (1,250 kilometres) taking this route:Follow E19 CHARLEROI from Brussels to E17 REIMS in FRANCE.Follow E17 to E15 LYON.Take E15 to E714 NICE.Take E714 to E80 NICE.Take E80 to Nice.
E15 cannot be used in any car or truck made before 2000. And really should not be used in any car that is a 2006 and older as it could have some ill effects on that year group.