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Q: What is the equivalent radical expression for the exponential expression of 18 1 half?
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There are pi radians in a half of a circle, or in 180 degrees.

How can you use logarithmic and exponential equations and properties to solve half-life and logistic growth scenarios?

For an exponential function: General equation of exponential decay is A(t)=A0e^-at The definition of a half-life is A(t)/A0=0.5, therefore: 0.5 = e^-at ln(0.5)=-at t= -ln(0.5)/a For exponential growth: A(t)=A0e^at Find out an expression to relate A(t) and A0 and you solve as above

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Is an exponential decay function represent a quantity that has a constant halving time?

A quantity is said to be subject to exponential decay if it decreases at a rate proportional to its value. The time required for the decaying quantity to fall to one half of its initial value.Radioactive decay is a good example where the half life is constant over the entire decay time.In non-exponential decay, half life is not constant.

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The answer will depend on a half's what! A half's square and a half's cube will be equivalent to different numbers.

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It is 14/2

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Does a star have a half life?

Not really, a half-life is applied to substances on a steady exponential decay. Stars have more dramatic life histories so the concept of a half-life is not really applicable.

How do you know if half a mile is further than half a km?

Either express the half of a mile in kilometers; or the half of a kilometer in miles. For example, 1 mile is 5280 ft = 1.609km. So you would take half of this, which is about 0.8km. You can see that this is greater than 0.5km, so half a mile is further than half a kilometer. You are converting one expression of units to their equivalent in another set of units.

What is the 25 to the half power?

5 OR -5 (though 5 is generally the accepted answer) 25 to the half power is the same as radical(25).