How about 5 times 2167 = 10985 as one example
1.98 is the sum
When you decrease both addends when rounding to add, the estimated sum will also be decreased. Rounding down the addends will result in a smaller value for the estimated sum.
The estimated sum is 11. The actual sum is 10 and 19/24
How about 5 times 2167 = 10985 as one example
3874 + 1845 = 5719 is the actual sum. I'm not sure where the 'estimated sum' comes into it.
1.98 is the sum
When you decrease both addends when rounding to add, the estimated sum will also be decreased. Rounding down the addends will result in a smaller value for the estimated sum.
The estimated sum is 11. The actual sum is 10 and 19/24
The estimated sum is 11 The actual sum is 10 and 19/24
The sum of 549,986 and 345,100 is 895,086.
Estimate by rounding to the nearest ten.​ Then, find the sum.221122plus+33554455​_​_The estimated sum is nothing.
One Life to Live - 1968 1-10985 was released on: USA: 22 July 2011 USA: 22 July 2011