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100%. Everyone belongs to some ethnic group or another.

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Q: What is the ethnic percentage of Georgia the state?
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What state had the largest percentage of slaves in its overall population in 1790?

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What are the ethnic communities and their traditions in the state of Georgia?

I think that there are Hispanic communities.They have Quinceneras.There might also be an Irish community but I am not sure about the traditions.

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75% or 3 out of 4 are Ethnic Ukrainian

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Russia is home to the highest percentage of ethnic Russians, with over 80% of the population identifying as ethnic Russians.

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Answer: All ethnic Russians are Slavic.

What ethnic backgrounds are in the colony of Georgia?

tony olson

What were the ethnic groups in colonial Georgia?

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What is Georgia's state flower?

Georgia's state flower is a " Cherokee Rose."

What state is the empire state of the south?

Georgia is called "The Empire State of the South".

What is the percentage of African Americans living in the state of Georgia?

The state of Georgia has a population of 9.68 million people. Of these, 30.6 percent list themselves as black or African American. The white population is 60.8 percent, and the Asian population is 3.3 percent.