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circumference = 2 x π x radius

→ radius = circumference/(2 x π)

area = π x radius2

= π x (circumference/(2 x π))2

= circumference2 / (4 x π)

= (10 cm)2 / (4 x π)

= 25/π cm2

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Q: What is the exact area of a circle with a circumference of 10 cm?
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What is the exact circumference of a circle with a radius of 10 in?

The circumference is 62.8318531 inches.

Find the area of a circle when the circumference is 10in?

The area of a circle when the circumference is 10 inches is: 7.96 square inches.

If a circle has a circumference of 10 pie what is the circle's area?

This circle's area would be 78.54 units squared.

How do you find the area of a circle if the circumference is 10?

We know that the area of a circle is pi * r2. We also know that the circumference of a circle is pi * d. Therefore, when you know the circumference of a circle and want to know the area, divide the circumference by pi to give you the diameter of the circle, divide the diameter by 2 to give you the radius, square the radius and then multiply by pi to get the area. So, 10/pi = 3.183. 3.183/2 = 1.5915. 1.59152 = 2.533 2.533 * pi = 7.958 to 3 decimal places. The area of your circle is therefore 7.958cm2.

If circle diameter is 10 what is the circumference?

If a circle's diameter is 10, the circumference is: 31.416

What is the area and circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10 cm?

Area = 78.54 cm2Circumference = 31.42 cm

What is the area of a circle if the circumference is 10 pie?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 0

If the circumference is 62.8 what is the area?

Divide the circumference of 62.8 by 2*pi to find the radius which is about 10 units Area of the circle: pi*10*10 = 100*pi square units

What is the circumference of a circle with a 10 foot diameter?

Circumference of circle: 10*pi feet

What is the circumference of a 10 in circle?

The circumference of a 10-inch diameter circle is: 31.42 inches.

What is the circumference and area of a circle that has a diameter of 10 feet?

The formula for circumference is 2 x pi x radius. For a circle of 10 feet, the cirumference would be 62.8 feet. The formula for area is pi x r2. For a circle of 10 feet, the radius would be 314.16 ft.

How many square inches in a 10 circle?

you have to quote the diameter or radius or circumference of the circle to calculate the area. If diameter 78.53. If radius 314.15. If circumference 7.95