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Area: pi*222 = 484*pi square feet

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Q: What is the exact area of a circle with a diameter of 44 ft?
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What is the diameter of a 44 inch circle?

Well now, that depends. What do you mean when you say "a 44 inch circle" ? -- If "44 inches" is the distance across the fattest part of the circle, then its diameter is 44 inches. -- If "44 inches" is the distance from the center of the circle out to the edge, then the diameter is 88 inches. -- If "44 inches" is the distance all the way around the circle, then the diameter is 44/pi = 14 inches (rounded)

What is the circumference of a circle with the diameter of 14 ft?

The circumference of a circle with the diameter of 14 ft is: 44 feet.

What is the circumference of 44' diameter?

circumference of any circle = pi (a constant) * diameter = 3.14159 * diameter,so 3.14159 * 44' = 138.23'

What is the surface area of a 44 inch diameter table?

The surface of a circle is given by the formula d2pi/4, so for our 44 inch diameter table, that gives 484pi square inches, which is aproximately 1520.531 square inches.

If the circumference of a circle is 44 inches what is the area?

If the circumference of a circle is 44 inches, the area is: 154 square inches.

What is the diameter of a 44 ft circumference?

The diameter of a circle can be calculated by dividing the circumference by pi (π), which is approximately 3.14. For a 44 ft circumference, the diameter would be 44 ft / 3.14 ≈ 14 ft.

How many square feet in a circle with a diameter of 44 inches?

Area of a circe = (pi)r2 Converting inches to feet. 44 inches = 3.666 ft (pi)(3.666)2= 42.24ft2

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 44 inches?

A circle with a radius of 22 inches has a circumference of 138.23 inches.

In a circle the circumference and diameter vary directly Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second ci?

In a circle, the circumference and diameter vary directly. Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second circle the diameter is 14 when the circumference is 44?

What is the circumference of a 49 inch circle?

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

If the diameter of a circle is 14 what is the circumference?

Circumference of circle: 14*pi = 44 units rounded to nearest whole number

If the circumference of a circle is 44 cm then what is its area?

Radius of circle: 44/(2*pi) = 7 cm rounded Area of circle: pi*7^2 = 154 square cm rounded