

What is the exact radius of pi?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is the exact radius of pi?
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What is the exact area of a circle with a radius of 31 cm?

3019.07cm²The formula is: area = 3.14 (pi) times radius squared.

Formula for exact area of a circle?

pi x square of radius

How do you find the exact circumference of a circle?

pi times the diammeter 3.14159 x diameterDan's answer:circumference= pi X diameter.2pi X Radius=Pi X Radius (x2)

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There is no way to find the exact area of a circle. The formula for the area is Pi times the radius squared. But Pi is an irrational number -- that is, no matter how many numbers you write it out to, you could always write it further. Since there is no exact value of Pi there can be no exact value of the area based on the diameter. The radius is half that of a diameter. Therefore, if you know the diameter you know the radius. In this case the radius is 3cm and the area of the circle = pi * 32 So the answer is roughly

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Area = (pi * radius)^2, so: Area = (pi * 1.2cm)^2 Area = 1.44 pi cm (an exact value) If you want to approximate the area, just multiply 1.44 by pi.

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circ = pi x diameter = pi x 4 sqqrt(3) so radius = 2 x sqrrt(3) and radius squared = 12 so area = pi radius squared = 12 pi

What is the exact area of a circle having a radius 6 in?

The formula for the area of a circle is pi times the radius squared, so if the radius is 6 inches, that is pi times 36 square inches. Pi is approximately 3.1415, which gives us an area of 113.094 square inches. If that is not exact enough, pi has been worked out to thousands of decimal places, and can be easily looked up on google.

What is the exact area of a circle with a radius of 12 feet?

The area of a circle is equal to pi times the radius squared. A 12 foot radius circle would have an area of exactly 144 pi square feet.

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9.2 i think The formula is pi*r^2

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Circumference = 34*pi miles

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530.9291585 squared inches to be exact. * * * * * To be exact? Since when has it been possible to express an exact multiple of pi?

What is the area of a circle which has a radius equal to 3?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 28.259999999999998