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The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 meters (186,282 miles) per second.

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Q: What is the exact speed measurement of light?
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An indirect measurement of the speed of molecules can be made using techniques such as Doppler spectroscopy or light scattering. These methods analyze the behavior of light as it interacts with the molecules to determine their speed indirectly. By studying the changes in the properties of the light, scientists can infer the motion and speed of the molecules.

What is the exact speed of light?

The exact speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second or about 186,282 miles per second.

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Relative for starters means exact or close to. Wind Speed is how fast the air is blowing. It other words, this would mean an estimate or exact measurement to the Wind Speed.

The speed of light is what in space?

The speed of light in a vacuum (space) is about 3x10^8 m/s. The most accurate measurement is:

How did physicist calculated the prise measurement of the speed of light?

Stop watch and a light switch

What is the SI measurement of light?

There is no "measurement of light". The units used depend on what you want to measure: its speed, frequency, wavelength, energy per photon, etc.

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What is a exact speed of light in a vacuum?

The speed of light is 299 792 458 m s-1.This is one of the very few exact physical constants; it is so by definition.This enables the meter to be determined by it and the second.

What is a measurement of distance based on the speed of light?

A unit that is commonly used in astronomy is the light-year - the distance light travels in a year.

What is the uncertainty in the measurement for the speed of light?

The uncertainty in the measurement of the speed of light is typically around ±0.3 meters per second. This uncertainty arises from various factors such as experimental errors, instrumental limitations, and environmental conditions. Multiple measurements and techniques are used to reduce this uncertainty and obtain a more accurate value for the speed of light.