

Best Answer

The exact value could never be expressed as a number, as pi is an irrational number. The integer value would be:


If you want a slightly more accurate value:


If you want an exact value:

(∫e-x² dx)2 × 1038


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Exact value of pi to 10 decimal places?

3.1415926536 is to 10 places but not exact. The only exact value of pi is pi itself. So any exact answer involving pi would include pi in the answer.

Could you find the circumference of a circle using the exact value for pi?

Yes, you could if you knew the exact value for pi as well as the diameter of the circle. Multiply the diameter by the exact value for pi to get the circumference. However, it is impossible because the exact value for pi is not known. It is only known to about a trillion decimal places, but the exact value is not known.

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The circumference of any circle when divided by its diameter has the exact value of pi

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They gave it a value of about 3 but even today we do not know the exact value of pi

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The value of pi is determined by dividing a circle's circumference by its diameter and an exact value has never been worked out because pi is an irrational number.

Why the value of pie is 227?

Because 22/7 is the approximate value of pi as a fraction but the exact value of pi has never been determined.

What is the exactly value of pi?

The exact value of pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It cannot be printed exactly in numbers.

What is the exact value of pi you should use?

3.14 There is no exact value of pi. It goes on forever. But if you round it, it would be 3.14159265. An estimate of pi is 22/7, or 3 and 1/7. Like said earlier there is no exact value but if you are dealing with fractions use 22/7 but is you are sing decimals use 3.14 or the pi key on your calculator

What was the most inaccurate version of pi who when and what the value was?

In ancient times the value of Pi was given as 3 but even today the exact value of Pi is not known because it is an irrational number.

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-- end of the universe -- the day you will die -- the exact value of 'pi' -- the exact value of ' e ' -- the exact value of sqrt(2) -- the exact value of any other irrational number