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let the no. be 9

square of 9=9*9=81

sum of the digits of square = 8+1=9

so if the no.=sum of the digits

the it is a neon number

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Q: What is the example of neon number?
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What is a neon number?

a neon number is that wheresum of digits of square of the number is equal to the number ...for example --sample input => 9sample output =>9*9 = 81,8+1=9therefore,9 is a neon numberPRACTICALLY, THERE IS NO OTHER SUCH NUMBER...ITS ONLY A THEORETICAL CONCEPT OF NEON NUMBERS !!

Can Neon and Nitrogen be oxidized?

Neon, no, it is a noble gas and there are no known compounds. Nitrogen forms a number of oxides, for example, NO, NO2, N2O3, N2O4, N2O5

How do you find the number of protons in a neon atom?

The number of protons in a neon atom is determined by its atomic number, which is 10 for neon. This means that a neon atom has 10 protons.

Atomic number of neon?

The atomic number of neon is 10.

Neons atomic number?

Neon is a noble gas. It is in p block. Atomic number of neon is 10.

What element has the atomic number 10?

The element with atomic number 10 is neon. Neon is a noble gas with a full outer electron shell, making it stable and unreactive under normal conditions.

What is the atomic number of neon 22?

The atomic number of neon is 10, not 22. The atomic number represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom, which determines its chemical properties.

What is the atomic number for ne?

The atomic number for neon is 10. This means that neon has 10 protons in its nucleus.

What is the mass number or neon?

The mass number of neon is 20. This indicates that neon has a total of 20 protons and neutrons in its nucleus.

Does altering the number of protons in the nucleus change the number of electrons?

Only if electrical neutrality is required. A sodium cation, for example, has the same number of electrons as a neon atom.

What is the neon's number of elelctrons?

Neon has 10 electrons

An example of an anion with the same number of electrons as Ne is?

An example of an anion with the same number of electrons as Ne (neon) is F- (fluoride ion). Neon has 10 electrons, and fluoride ion also has 10 electrons, as it gains one electron to achieve a stable noble gas electron configuration.