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3 * 9 = 27 = 9 * 3

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Q: What is the example of the multiplication communitive property?
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What is the communitive property of multiplication?

Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. Multiplication has no particular communitive property.

What property that says you can change the groups in addition and multiplication?


What is an example of a communitive property?

It is not possible to answer the question that was asked because there is no such thing as a communitive property. In mathematics, the commutative property, in simple terms, states that the order in which elements appear does not matter. Thus, an example for addition: 2+5 = 5+2 (= 7) or for multiplication, 2*5 = 5*2 (=10)

What is this an example of 5 x 3 x 2 5 x 3 x 2 is it associative distributive or communitive?

This is an example of the commutative property of multiplication

What Is an Example of communitive property of multiplication?

I assume you mean "commutative". That means you can change the two numbers around, for example, 5 x 7 = 7 x 5.

Is 8x 10x7 8x10 x7 a communative property of one?

No, communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. It is the commutative property of the multiplication - not of any particular number.

What is the communitive property of multipication?

The commutative property of multiplication is a x b = b x a. This property means that factors can be multiplied in any order and the product is always the same.

What is the multiplication properties and division?

well the multiplacation proprties are: communitive property, identity property, zero property, and sorry i dont know the 4th one :/ :) ;) :( [[nyan cat love]]

What is the communitive property in algebra?

All of the underneath is utter ignorance. Communitive means "of or belonging to a community" and has no algebraic meaning whatsoever.* * * * *The Communitive Property shows that a problem can have the same answer if you re-arrange the numbersCommunitive propertyA+B= B+AIt will not matter in addition how you group your numbers.Example: 5+3 + 6 =146+3+5 = 14In abstract algebra, a binary operation * has the commutative property ifa*b = b*a.For ordinary numbers, addition has the commutative property; for example 2+3 = 3+2.Subtraction does not have the commutative property, because 2 - 3 does not equal 3 - 2.Multiplication of ordinary numbers has the commutative property, as does multiplication of complex numbers.Matrix multiplication does not have the commutative property in general; there are matrices A, B such that A*B does not equal B*A.Also the vector cross product does not have the commutative property, asi x j = k, but j x i = -k.

Is division communitive?

No, it matters the order of things. 2 divided by 6 is NOT the same as 6 divided by 2 (Unlike Multiplication which is communitive)

What is an example of communitive property?

The commutative property of multiplication says that numbers can be multiplied in any order and the result will still be the same. An example would be 7 x 6 and 6 x 7 both equaling 42.

How do you use the communitive property in math?

The commutative property states that a+b+c = a+c+b you can switch the order of you characters and the answer will still be the same. you can only do this with addition and multiplication though because order matters with subtraction and division.* * * * *Good try but no cigar!Communitive means "of or belonging to a community". It has no meaning at all in mathematics.