Six hundred and eighty-four thousandths = 600.084 Six hundred eighty-four thousandths = 0.684
Eighty-nine hundred-thousandths in numbers = 0.00089
The word form is: seven hundred thirty-six and eighty-three thousandths.
Ten and two hundred eighty-five thousandths
Five hundred six and eighty-nine thousandths
Thirty one and eight hundred eighty thousandths (31.880) in expanded form = (3 x 10) + (1 x 1) + (8/10) + (8/100) + (0/1000)
86.745 = eighty-six and seven hundred forty-five thousandths.
Six hundred and eighty-four thousandths = 600.084 Six hundred eighty-four thousandths = 0.684
Eighty-nine hundred-thousandths in numbers = 0.00089
It is three hundred eighty nine thousandths.
The expanded form for the number 9082.334 is nine thousand eighty-two and three hundred thirty-four thousandths.
Eighty-four and four thousand seven hundred ninety-eight ten-thousandths.
0.389 in word form is is three hundred eighty nine thousandths, and in expanded form is 0.3 + 0.08 + 0.009
Eighty-one and four hundred eighty-four thousandths in decimal notation is 81.484
Two and seven hundred eighty-nine thousandths 2 + 0.7 + 0.08 + 0.009
The word form is: seven hundred thirty-six and eighty-three thousandths.