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Q: What is the explanation for the rational of development of multi-modalism?
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What does rational explanation mean?

It means one that makes sense.

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All rational numbers can be expressed as fractions whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions.

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Rational Unified Process

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It is a natural law; I suppose that any rational explanation is possible.

What does IBM Rational specialize in?

IBM Rational is a service provided by IBM. IBM Rational helps with software and systems development. It is supposed to help software be more profitable and and improve productivity.

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There is no such thing as ghosts. The way you can "remove" them is by finding out what your actually hearing, seeing or feeling. There is a rational explanation to everything.

What is the purpose of the Rational Unified Process template and how does it streamline software development processes?

The purpose of the Rational Unified Process template is to provide a structured framework for software development that emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and best practices. It streamlines software development processes by breaking down the development cycle into manageable phases, defining roles and responsibilities, and promoting continuous improvement through feedback and evaluation.

What is the explanation of IAN KHAMA's FIVE D'S?

Democracy, Dignity, Discipline, Development, Delivery

What is the explanation for the development of colonial government?

The organization and structure of British colonial governments in America shared destined to become the United States had its own history and development.

Is there a rational explanation for the Devils Footprints that appeared in Devon United Kingdom in l855?

Wikipedia offers some proposed theories, you can read them by following the link below.

What is a general rule being suggested after a series of observations that all point to the same thing?

This comes from the scientific method. A hypothesis is a rational explanation for an observed phenomena. When multiple researchers confirm the observations in agreement with the hypothesis, the explanation of the set of observations can be referred to as a theory.