108 = 1.080000e+2
The prime factors of 81 are 3x3x3x3 (or 34 in expontial form). The prime factors of 108 are 2x2x3x3x3 (or 22 x 33 in exponential form).
4.75e3 in exponential notation is: 4.75 × 103
The exponential form for 1,000,000 is 10^6.
829 is a prime so its exponential form is 829.
108 =1.08 × 102or1.08E2
5.0340134 × 108
8.32 × 108
22 x 33 = 108
2.45 × 108
It is: 2^2 times 3^3 = 108
8.426429 × 108
53800000000=538 x 108
1.23456789 x 108
108 = 1.080000e+2
803,940,629 = 8.03940629 × 108 or 8.03940629E8
The prime factors of 81 are 3x3x3x3 (or 34 in expontial form). The prime factors of 108 are 2x2x3x3x3 (or 22 x 33 in exponential form).