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Q: What is the exponential notation of 3 to the 5th power with positive exponents?
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Why do you use exponents?

Exponents are used in many different contexts and for different, though related, reasons. Exponents are used in scientific notation to represent very large and very small numbers. The main purpose it to strip the number of unnecessary detail and to reduce the risk of errors. Exponents are used in algebra and calculus to deal with exponential or power functions. Many laws in physics, for example, involve powers (positive, negative or fractional) of basic measures. Calculations based on these laws are simper if exponents are used.

What is the definition of exponential notation?

This means multiply the base times itself as many times as the exponents says. Ex: 4 x 4 x 4 =64 4 to the power of 3 = 64

How do you write three to the ninth power in exponential notation?


What does exponential notation in math means?

It means in powers as for example 5*5*5 in exponential notation is 5^3 which means 5 to the power of 3

What is the exponential notation for 18 18?

It is 1.818x10 raised to the power of 3.

Is scientific notation exponential notation?

Yes, scientific notation is a form of exponential notation. In scientific notation, numbers are expressed as a product of a coefficient and a power of 10. The power of 10 represents the exponent in exponential notation.

What is an exponetial notation?

Exponential notation is a useful way of writing big numbers. Exponential notation means "to the power of...". For example: 24 means 2x2x2x2 (2 times itself three times) 10^8 (another way of writing exponential notation) means 100000000 (1 with 8 zeros after it).

What is exponenetial notation?

something like this: 5 to the power of 2 would be written as exponential notation like: 5²

What is 39.476 in standard notation using exponential power?

3.9476 x 101