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Q: What is the expression for the extension of a relation on the operation select?
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Where are the function of selection and projection operation?

The Selection Operation is used to select a subset of the tuples (records) from a relation (file) that satisfy a selection condition.If we think of a relation as a table, the select operation select some of the Rows from the table while discarding other Rows. The Projection select certain column from the table and discarding the other columns.The result of the Projection operation can hence be visualized as a vertical partition of the relation into two relations, one has needed columns (attributes) & contain the result of the operations & the other contains in the discarded column.Binamani BoroGuwahati

How do you save with a different extension?

In the save dialogue, select the appropriate extension or select "All (*.*)" and type the extension you want to save as. The application must have the ability to save as that extension. For example, notepad cannot save as a JPEG image.

5 What is the difference between select and project operations?

Select Operation : This opration is used to select rows from a table (relation) that specifies a given logic, which is called as a predicate. The predicate is a user defined condition to select rows of user's choice.Example : Consider an example to select all tuples of the loan Table (Relation) at KR Branch of a Bank. Here the relation considered is Loan and predicate is BR_NAME=K R Circle.BR_NAMELoan_noLoan_amountK R CircleKL16000$K R CircleKL24000$K R CircleKL320000$Project Operation : If the user is interested in selecting the values of a few attributes, rather than selection all attributes of the Table (Relation), Then one should be PROJECT Operation.The query would result in selecting all the values of columns BR_NAME and Loan_no.BR_NAMELoan_noK R CircleKL1S R CircleSL1K R CircleKL3J B CircleJB1J B CircleJB2

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The default case.

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1. Click "Safari" in the toolbar 2. Select "Preferences" 3. Go to "Extensions" 4. Delete the "MacSave" extension

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Different operations done using rdbms?

different rdbms operations are delete,update easily and other u find on some other site. •Insert : unary operation •Delete : unary operation •Update : unary operation •Select : unary operation •Project : unary operation •Join : binary operation •Union : binary operation •Intersection : binary operation •Difference : binary operation

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What is the file name extentesion of an externel style sheet?

An external style sheet written to the Cascading Style Sheet standards will have a .css file extension. If you are using notepad you will have to manually set this as the file extension. Most web editors will allow you to select this extension when you go to save the file.