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Q: What is the expression of inextricably bound together?
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What does the expression mean?

"The expression" means an expression that was referred to earlier - as opposed to any expression.An expression is a collection of numbers and variables together with mathematical operators such as addition, multiplication, exponentiation, trigonometric functions and so on, as well as their inverses. ?An expression must not contain an equality or inequality sign.

What was the definition of factoring the expression?

"Factoring" something means that you look for expressions which, when multiplied together, result in the given expression. Thus, for example for numbers, if you are asked to factor 52 you can say that the answer is 2 x 2 x 13 (these factors, multiplied together, are equal to 52; on the other hand, they can't be further factored into smaller factors, at least, not with whole numbers). Similarly with an expression; if you are given x squared minus 1, you can factor it as (x + 1)(x - 1), since the two factors, when multiplied together, give you the original expression.

What is multipicative identity?

When Two Numbers Are combined in an expression and added or multiplied together. Feel free to leave a comment if this helped you.

How do you explain associative property?

The associative property says that you can group addends and multiplicands together however you want. The individual numbers in the expression aren't bothered by any of the other numbers getting together for drinks.

What does the expression 6 x mean?

The expression 6x means that you multiplied 6 and x together. To separate them you would divide 6x by 6 and if you divided one side by 6, you would have to do the same to the other side of the problem. Hope this helps you!

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The law determines who can marry and whose marriage will be recognized. Therefore, marriage and the law are inextricably bound together.

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The Libertines Bound Together was created in 2006.

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Yes, protons are bound together by the strong nuclear force.

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A collection of pages bound together is called a book. It can contain written, printed, or blank content, and is typically held together by a cover and spine.

During the revolutionary war the thirteen states were bound together by the?

They were only bound together by the war and the fact that they couldn't go back to England during the war.

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What is meant by bond?

Bound together by a bond, binding.

What does the french expression enclin aux soupcons mean?

'enclin' means "prone to, bound to" - Someone 'enclin aux soupçons' is someone suspicious, bound to suspect anyone.

What is the definition of bound?

From dictionary tied; in bonds: a bound prisoner.made fast as if by a band or bond: She is bound to herfamily.secured within a cover, as a book.under a legal or moral obligation: He is bound bythe terms of the contract.destined; sure; certain: It is bound to happen.determined or resolved: He is bound to go.In short to bound with restarints, bound with obligation, or bound with determination

What does inextricably mean?

from which one cannot extricate oneself.